About Us

Our work ethics are in accordance with the Department of Education CAPS ECD Programmes. We also incorporate additional resources and different weekly themes just to spice up the learning experience for the little ones. Keeping kids stimulated, happy and entertained can be challenging at times. Our facilities are valued by parents and the perfect place to spend time with your kids.

We have Little Chefs, Little Einstein, Techno kids, Sensory messy play,  warm up exercise, Massage time, Sport and Bible time, etc.

FUNTAZIA ALL ABOUT KIDZ is a Registered Health Promoting School holding hands with our parents and community.

Toddlers Picky – Eaters: We encourage healthy eating by making every meal fun by using our senses and creativity: tasting, smelling and feeling sensations. We also have a garden where our children grow their own veggies.

We help parents to understand “tantrums” and how to deal with it.

We also teach children to become independent, an example is teaching them to eat by themselves.

In Die Baba en Peuterklassies begin ons reeds om hulle in n gesonde roetiene te kry. Dit is noodsaaklik sodat hulle n vorm van stabiliteid en vertroue kan ontwikkel.

In die oggend kom al die maatjies saam om Bybel te lees, saam te bid en te sing.

We have exercise time to stretch and warm up all the muscles that also helps with concentration.

We offer both indoor and outdoor facilities that will keep kids fit, healthy and strong.  

We follow a daily program and healthy balanced meals according to each age group. We have Fun family events, Fundraising, Concerts, Prize giving Awards, Parents evening and a very reliable Governing body.

We have friendly, loving, compassionate, qualified personnel and teachers with years of experience.

Safety first

The Centre and all classes are under 24hour Camera Surveillance.

We also have our own Library where parents can take books home: a great way of encouraging children to develop a reading culture, which is extremely crucial for their ongoing learning.

Centre is Open from Monday – Friday

06:30 – 13:30 School hours

13:30 – 17:30 Aftercare hours

We are closed on Public holidays.

We are open during school holidays at an additional fee.

Please contact us and we will gladly assist and send all the registration forms, terms and conditions and pricing.

Education & Play centre

Developmental Needs




Education and play centre loge




Nurturing of the Culture, Spirit, Dignity, Individuality, Language and Development of the child.

We are very passionate about children. We take our work and responsibility very seriously.


Dokters, Aptekers, Onderwysers, Vearts, Polisie, Brandweer, President, Besigheids Eienaars en so meer.

Baba Klas / Baby Class

Babaklas elkeen is spesiaal, ons het liefdevolle opgeleide Juffrouens en assistente met baie goeie ervaring. Ons het ook kameras in die babaklas.

Stimulasie vanaf 3 maande leer sit, kruip, loop en om naam te herken.

Physical development and Gross motor

Social and emotional development

Peuter Klas / Toddlers class

2-3 Years old

Toddler developmental milestones

A safe environment where toddlers can explore and test boundaries while learning through play.

Gekwalifiseerde, liefdevolle onderwysers en assistente met nodige ervaring. Ons het ook kameras in ons Peuterklas.

Ons volg n dagprogram met weeklikse temas.

Peuters maak maats en leer deel. In hierdie klas het ons vetpret met al die verskillende aktiwiteite om hulle sodoende te stimuleer.

Hulle leer om self te eet en meer selfafhanklik te word.

Buitespel is ook deel van ons program.

Kleuters / Pre-schoolers

In die kleuterklas begin maatjies om hul Groot en Fyn motoriese vaardighede mooi te ontwikkel.

Hulle bou legkaarte en begin om mooi saam te werk. Ons begin ook meer te fokus op hul podloodgreep, sodoende word hul stelselmatig voorberei volgens ouderdom vir Graad R.

As children grow into early childhood, their whole world will begin to open up. They will become more independent and begin to focus on adults and children outside of the family. They will want to explore and ask about things around them even more. Their interactions with their family and those around them will help to shape their personality and their own ways of thinking and moving. During this stage, Children should be able to ride a tricycle, use safety scissors, notice a difference between girls and boys, help dress and undress themselves, play with other children, recall part of a story and sing a song.

Developmental Milestones:

Skills such as naming colours, showing affection and hopping on one foot are called developmental milestones. Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, behave and move (crawling/walking/jumping).

Graad R / Grade r

In Gr.R word ons kinders voorberei vir Gr.1 “Groot Skool’

Ons bekwame onderwysers doen ook verskillende skool gereedheids toetse.

Ons werk hard om te verseker dat hul self -versekerd is en sodoende emotioneel sterk genoeg is om oorgeplaas te word na Gr.1.

Ons kinders blink uit omdat hulle meer persoonlike aandag kry en genoegsame speeltyd om goed te ontwikkel. Ons Gr.R kinders stel ook n goeie voorbeeld vir kleiner maatjies wanneer hulle gedurende bybel en eettyd bymekaar kom.

Ons het n Gr.R Gradeplegtiging aan die einde van die jaar waar ons kinders beloon word vir hul getroue skoolbywoning en samewerking. Dis met groot trots dat hul ingehuldig word.

Ons het sterk normes en waardes. Goeie maniere en respek word aangeleer.

Ons gekwalifiseerde juffrouens doen als in hul vermoe om te verseker dat hulle die beste voorsprong in die lewe kry en hul fondasie sterk genoeg is om uitdagings aan te pak.

Most children this age begin to develop greater independance, self-control and creativity. They are content to play with their toys for longer periods of time, are eager to try new things and when they get frustrated, are better able to express their emotions.

Although children grow and develop at their own pace, your child will likely achieve most of the following developmental milestones before he or she turns 6 years old.

Celebrate this new phase of their lives that they are entering and remember that they need their families love and support to make the big leap and be ready for the ‘big school’.

  • Physical Development (motor development) and Physical Health.
  • Emotional and Social Development
  • Cognitive Development
  • Language Development

How can a child become ready for school?

No child can become ready for school on their own. The first 5 years of a child’s life are critical and set the stage for success for school and in life. Learning and readiness to learn begin long before a child enters school. Their early stimulation, environment and development plays a big role. Therefore the parents do play a big part in getting their child ready for school. Children thrive and develop appropriately when they have positive environments and loving and supporting families. So you have been helping your little one blossom into a school ready child for the past 5/6 years and you will be happy to know that most of the work for becoming school ready, has already been done.

How so?

Research suggests that early living experiences influence brain development. Every experience that a child has, establishes neural connections that then form the foundation for language, problem solving, reasoning, social and emotional skills etc. Every book you have read to your child, every puzzle built together has been preparing your little one for the next big step. You have also given your child the biggest gift, their ‘mother tongue’ also known as their home language. Language proficiency is a key predictor of school success.

It is very important that a child is fluent in his/her academic language, the language that he/she will be educated in. A child will receive all information and instructions in the school setting through language. They will also use language to communicate their knowledge and skills via speaking, reading or writing in that language.

What do kids learn in preschool?

  • Numbers, Counting & Pre-Math Skills. Yep, your child will be prepping for kindergarten in preschool
  • Basic Shapes. Part of those pre-math skills will also include learning the basic shapes
  • Colours
  • The Alphabet
  • Imaginative & Cooperative Play
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Gross Motor Skills
  • Social Skills & Independence

School readiness:

School readiness is a term that refers to how prepared a child is to learn and succeed in school cognitively, socially and emotionally. When we say that a child is ready for school, we imply that he or she is prepared to succeed in a structured learning setting.

“It is not our job to prepare children for school. It is our job to help children get ready for LEARNING, to embrace their individuality and to ENHANCE their overall DEVELOPMENT.”

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After school and home work centre / Naskool sentrum

We offer after school care, extra classes and educational age-appropriate fun activities to our own Funtazia learners, Private, Home schooling or Public learners. An afternoon snack and drink are included as well. We provide individual attention and teach children that learning can be fun! Homework is done under supervision and CCTV Cameras. We also provide qualified First Aid personnel, levels 1, 2  and 3 (Advanced First aid). When required, transport can be arranged. We are based in a Mini Fun park/ Party venue; a safe and friendly environment.

Vakansie Sorg / Holiday Care

Holiday care services are available at an additional fee with loads of fun and educational activities included in daily programs.

06:30 – 17:30 Fullday or Halfday options available at affordable prices. Discount will be given for 2 or more siblings.

Includes Food and Beverages, Supervision, Fun activities, Great facilities, Qualified and experienced personnel with First aid and direct radio interaction. Electric Fencing and CCTV for your child’s safety.